37 year
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Based on 1 ratings
Astrology, Angel tarot, Psychic photo reading, Clairsentients, Clairvoyant, Psychic mediums, Numerology, Tarot, Spirit guides

Welcome to my profile, nice to meet you. I am Leeroy. And I am a psychic, it has taken years before I dare to call myself that, also because a certain image is formed in people who have a spiritual predisposition like me. I am therefore very much looking forward to your arrival, so that we can work together on a better picture of questions you have, or perhaps there is a message for you, from the other side, that I can convey for you. I will walk along your life path for a while, and in this way I will look for all the answers you are looking for. Do you dare the adventure? Then I hope to welcome you soon.

What questions can you contact me for?

I try to help people make certain choices and thus remove unrest and questions, which is crucial for a nice processing process and selfacceptance.


Tags: Astrology, Angel tarot, Psychic photo reading, Clairsentients, Clairvoyant, Psychic mediums, Numerology, Tarot, Spirit guides

Customer experiences
  • Delisha - 07 July 2021
    Rating: 9

    Thanks to Leeroy, finally got an answer to the question Ive been struggling with for so long. I feel liberated and optimistic about the future.