30 year
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Astrology, Angel tarot, Clairsentients, Clairvoyant, Psychic mediums, Numerology, Tarot

When we as human beings have come to the end of our earthly life, we go to the light. However, it often happens that we are not yet ready to transfer and would like to fulfill some tasks here on earth. In particular, give our loved one a message, and watch over them. There are also many Earth Angels, including Michal, Gabriel, Rafal and Uril. I am one of the lucky ones who can connect with them, they have been protecting people who are open to their goodness for centuries. Even if you dont think you have anything to do with them, I can find out who youre carrying with you.

What questions can you contact me for?

If you have ever experienced something inexplicable or narrowly escaped something bad, you can consult me, I will tell you who has helped or protected you in a certain period of your life or at a certain time. Things will start to fall into place.


Tags: Astrology, Angel tarot, Clairsentients, Clairvoyant, Psychic mediums, Numerology, Tarot

Customer experiences
  • Wilson - 07 July 2021
    Rating: 10

    After a serious car accident, I woke up from a coma after 4 days in the hospital, all I can remember was that I woke up with a feeling of peace and tranquility. I got through the eye of the needle. Now I know who or what saved me from death. Thank you Chelsy, many things have indeed fallen into place thanks to you.